Tuesday, December 3, 2013

just a Tuesday

I can still feel the effects of the decongestant that I took last night before bed. Yes - 18 hours ago! What do they put in that stuff?! I am light-headed and spaced-out. Can't quite think perfectly straight. I don't often take drugs or medicines, and every time I do I swear never to do it again; the effect is always so strong. Well, at least I slept last night. Ha!

It is a miserable day, perhaps made more so by me feeling sickly. It is cold and the light snow is blowing all around, so that it stings your cheeks when you're out in it. M made me a super cozy quilt, which is perfect for days like this!

Need to get the new song to music; need to finish our holiday newsletter; need to do petitioning; need to do more work on Quick Books for MJRTL; need to do laundry; need to think up some inspired dish for supper; need to pick up the boys from school.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

June 9

P got it night before last. Short and not-so-sweet for him. He and M went with A to church today, but L is still not very well - not sure why the recovery is taking a little longer for her, but she has a mild fever, stomach ache and headache, and she isn't eating much. She is drinking, at least, and nibbling a a dry cracker every few hours. And glory to God, D hasn't got it yet at all!

Friday, June 7, 2013

June 7

Dealing with stomach flu at the moment, picked up from school. Fun, fun. M had it 2 nights ago, and L was sick all last night. Now waiting to see who will be next. My stomach was churning all last night, and I am hoping that that is it for me. I guess we'll see. Needless to say, I haven't slept much in the last three nights! At least it is the 24 hour variety, and the nasty part only lasts about 8 hours - then sleep and fluids for the next 8 hours or so. Anyway, no hospitalization required up to this point, thank God!

Mom and a few ladies from church are off to a retreat this weekend, so Mom came over yesterday to go through the music for Vespers and Liturgy with me. I will probably be "the choir"! I told Dad today that I won't be at either service if anyone else gets sick, though.

A's parents are keeping busy. His dad is working on my parents' garage - there is no stopping that man! One has to twist his arm (almost literally) to make him take a lunch break! We probably won't be doing any renovations on our house this year, as the tax bill is still hanging around. The planned list included flooring, painting, playhouse, deck, window latches, etc. But I would like to have some fun with the kiddos this summer, since we had to cancel our planned vacation. When M and B come, we would like to take some day trips to lakes and sights around here, as well as go mini-golfing, water-sliding, and bowling - so that will need a little bit of money. Also, the Wiggles are coming to S in July, and I would love to take the kids to see them this year - but it would mean an overnight stay there and two days away from work for A (more arm twisting needed!) I am not sure how much the show costs, but at this point, the whole thing may be wishful thinking. We'll see.

A and I have been having a rough time lately, although we had a good LONG talk the other night (I had to stay up WAY past my bedtime!) Maybe managed to get a few things worked out. Long term, not sure. So easy to forget and fall back into routine and habit. But for the kids, I was ready to walk out of here on Sunday. So tired of so many things. Desperately need my friend - to listen, to laugh with, to ground me, to encourage me, to be silly.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

punched in the face

Maybe it isn't the best way to explain it to the kids, but I told them that when we attended the Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy last night, it was like we punched the devil in the face. He was whispering to me for the hour or so before I had to wake the kids up, that it would be better for everyone if I let them sleep; he made my eyes droop with fatigue; and when I woke the kids up, and M started crying (he who was most excited to be going to church in the middle of the night), the devil told me how much easier it would be not to bother going at all. But we loaded four kids, four pillows, four comforters and four Paschal baskets (!) into the van, and off we went. The stars were very bright in the black sky when we tumbled out of van at the church. And after the procession, as everyone started joyfully singing "Christ is risen" over and over again, and as we got into the wonderful songs of the Paschal Matins, I thought to myself, "Ha (punch, punch) - this is the one thing needful, and I wouldn't trade any of us being here for anything."

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7

Yesterday was my brother T's birthday. Unfortunately, we didn't get to hear his happy voice, in spite of multiple phone call, text message and skype attempts. We did skype with him last week on my brother A's birthday, however, and with A too. It is a month full of celebrations! Dad's birthday is next week. D's namesday is today, and D's godfather's birthday is tomorrow.

Yesterday, when told that today is D's namesday, P asked me if he could wrap a present for D. I said it didn't really matter, because a namesday is not about presents. But he insisted, so he took one of D's books and wrapped it up for him! At least the present will be familiar!

Read the lives of Saint Panteleimon and Saint Blandina to M and P last night, after L and D had gone to bed. Talked to the boys about strength of character and spirit, and how that kind of strength only comes from Christ and is so much more important than physical strength. Talked about persecution and how we are blessed at this time to live in a country reasonably free of persecution. A few families at our church are refugees from Africa and we talked about the persecution they faced, that led them to flee to Canada.

It is so easy to see our lives as the common reality. We forget about people in other parts of the world who literally struggle for life every day. We forget about our Christian heritage, and the saints that literally struggled for Christ and His Church every day. Much more was required of them than is asked of me at this point, and I pray to God for mercy. The beautiful prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian really calms me:

O Lord and Master of my life, give me not a spirit of idleness, despondency, ambition or vain talking;
But rather a spirit of purity, humility, patience and love bestow upon me Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults and not to judge my brother,
for blessed art Thou unto ages of ages. Amen.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3

While getting our fresh air this afternoon, the kids and I found GRASS! An actual spot in the backyard where the snow melted completely into a puddle, through which we could see muddy, old, half-dead grass. The children got very excited, as this surely was a sign that spring is here!

It is hard to believe how quickly the snow is melting. I thought it would take months, but in only a few days the level in the backyard has gone down by about ten inches. Crazy. It's not even that warm, although the kids traded in winter coats for light jackets today. We have a huge puddle at the end of the driveway and part way down the sidewalk. The ice and snow in the road are still too high to let the water drain away. As we drove into the driveway this evening, M said, "Entering the lake!"

The kids have the week off of school. This afternoon I took them to a musical show at the mall, based on Richard Scarry's Busytown books. It was well done and they enjoyed it. Got smoothies from Mc D's afterwards.

A and I are going to Pre-Sanctified Liturgy tonight. D is getting better with the babysitter, although he still grabs my leg and wants to be held as soon as she comes in the door; when he sees her, he knows it means I'm going out!

Enjoyed the visit with M and J last week. The kids had a blast with J, and he quite enjoyed watching and listening to them. I took them to the airport, feeling like we had had a nice visit and that it had been long enough, and then cried half the way home. Only because I feel like I have not got any true, close friends here yet. And saying goodbye to M and J, I re-lived the leave-taking of other dear friends, who I miss so much on a daily basis. As I did once before (with an amazing result), I prayed to God to provide a friend for me - the one I need, hopefully Orthodox, who I can "click" with, trust, share pain and growth and faith. I have found that this type of friend is a rarity - literally, a needle in a haystack. Not that I am ungrateful for those people I have met and loved here and before here.

Friday, March 22, 2013

still indoors

They are saying that this is a winter that we will talk about for years, that we will tell our children and grandchildren about. Really. The most snow on record ever. The coldest winter on record ever. The most days the highways have been closed or had warnings ever. The most days bus service has been canceled ever. The list goes on. And so does winter . . .

The kids had no school today. The teachers got the day off to make up for parent/teacher interviews. I finally got around to drawing the frames on the wall of the boys' bedroom, and they spent a good hour painting their masterpieces! Looks pretty cool! Original art is definitely priceless!

They spent the afternoon making and playing in a fort/tent in the living room, and we roasted marshmallows over the gas stove and made popcorn. We played cards and read stories. I went outside for 30 minutes with the dog and shoveled the snow away from the foundation (again) in between the ball throws. Somehow when I was out there, D got a bruise and hurt his foot. Not sure what happened, as he can't tell me quite yet. He seems okay.

P fell off the chair at supper time and hurt his arm. I thought for a second that it had got broken, as it was twisted a funny way, caught between the chair and the railing, but he just has a scrape and what will become a very colorful bruise.

A is going tomorrow with Dad to S to get his new van. He has been using my van since the mishap and I can't wait to have it back! The highways out of town have been closed for two days; some foolish people have decided to chance it anyway and have gotten stuck where even emergency vehicles can't get through, because of blowing snow and piling snowdrifts. Most that have ventured out onto closed roads have been rescued and driven home, but have had to leave their vehicles behind. Over the next couple of days things are supposed to get better. I hope so, as I have to go to R on Monday afternoon to pick up M and J, who were supposed to fly in on Thursday (the worst winter day of the year, apparently). They went as far as C (where conditions were not much better - I heard there was a 100 car pile-up on the highway between C and E, and cars in the ditch all along the way) and barely made it to E. Anyway, I hope they get here okay, as I am really looking forward to the visit.

Still working on my photo scrapbooks. Love Mixbook! Have got 5 completed, but still have a lot more to do. They are so beautiful! The quality is amazing! I have to wait to order the most recent two till they put out another coupon, as I cannot afford to buy them at full price.

There is a model train show tomorrow at the Western Development Museum, and hopefully Mom will come with me and the kids. M goes to a birthday party in the afternoon.

So excited for Sunday of Orthodoxy! Love it! So grateful for icons and those who fought for us to be able to have them. Glory to God!

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Both of L's teachers were sick today, and so there were two substitute teachers in. Well, that didn't go over so well with nineteen 3-4 year olds! L actually did really well. I forgot she was Star of the Day, so she can take something for Show & Share tomorrow.

I was looking after K again today, as her mom is in Russia for a couple of weeks. I am amazed how nicely she and P played together all morning! They aren't that amiable at church!

Sold the wardrobe from downstairs - and got the antique one into the guest room. It looks so much better than that modern monstrosity! And it fits better too. A doesn't agree. Ha!

The kitchen came from Ikea, so A is taking tomorrow off work to set it up. Then I can get to decorating! I already have a canvas for the wall, and some cool dishes I found at the thrift store. I need to buy a rug for under the table and chairs, and a kettle and toaster. Maybe a set of cutlery. Good thing Zellers is closing soon - one can actually afford to buy new things at their discount prices!

M and I broke up some of the ice on the driveway this afternoon. It was quite therapeutic! It takes muscle, and pounding into something is a great tension release! There was about 3" of ice under the dusting of snow. Anyway, most of it is done now, and I guess the sun will work on the rest. Spring is definitely on the way! We were out with no coats again today. It is great!


Last night, M had a soccer game and they WON! I was so disappointed to miss it, but Mom and A were away and the babysitter was busy, so Dad had to take him and I stayed home with the others. It really doesn't work to take the young ones to the indoor field, as there is nothing for them to do, and D likes to run onto the field and steal the cones or soccer ball! Anyway, there will be more games, I'm sure.

A guy from World Vision came to the door yesterday, doing door to door recruitment for sponsors. Well, I am a total suck when it comes to that! All he had to do was show me a few pictures of "desperate" kids, and I was signing the dotted line. I justified it by thinking "one kid sponsored for each of my children", as we already sponsor three. Reading about the life of the boy I chose, I felt like weeping at the excesses in our house. The boys and I talked about him before they went to sleep and, again, P almost cried wishing for an "Orthodox world". He asked me, "Mom, will heaven be an Orthodox world?" I said that it would be, but even better.

I started thinking about peace. I can't say that I wish for world peace, because world peace would mean that right and wrong had been abolished, that everything had become acceptable, that everything had become permissible, that morality had disappeared, that all were normal, that none were normal. I suppose this will happen under the influence of the antichrist. And of course, it will be beautiful and hopeful - and we will be lulled into a false sense of serenity. How scary!

Come quickly, Lord Jesus! [Revelation 22:20]


"Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you." Psalm 55:22

Sustain: to support, hold, or bear up to keep a person from giving way.

I have been and continue to be sustained. I feel like a deflated balloon a lot of the time, and try to remember daily to "give it to the Lord", as my Grandma used to say. And, it seems to help. Although some days . . . well, there are a LOT of cares!

Faith cultivates trust, and trust cultivates patience. And, when I try to be patient, with prayer for the increase of trust and faith, God acts. To change me. To change someone else. To calm and diffuse a tricky situation. And I am thankful for this.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

an Orthodox world

We decided to go out for dinner tonight. Just now, we are waiting for A to come home from work, and then we will take off. A minute ago, P said, "Do they have onion rings?" I said that they probably do. He said, "Good, cause I have really been wanting onion rings." A pause and then, "But my true wish is to live in an Orthodox world." He has said this before, and I know he really means it. Every time, it brings tears to my eyes, because P has such a sweet innocence and the song (on the CD that he likes listening to when going to sleep at night: Living in an Orthodox World by Fr. Michael Shanbour) he was referring to has such poignant words:

An Orthodox church just down the street
That's where you and your friends all like to meet
It looks like Heaven in there
With Jesus and all of his saints everywhere
You can't wait to get a blessing from your priest
You kiss his hand and he kisses your cheek
You want to be like him someday
Teaching of God's love and how we should pray

Imagine, imagine
Imagine the joy for boys and for girls
Living in an Orthodox world

The whole town comes to celebrate the feast
For Vespers, for Matins and then Liturgy
The people worship today
The Potter who formed us from dust and from clay

Imagine, imagine
Imagine the joy for boys and for girls
Living in an Orthodox world

Thursday, February 14, 2013

be mine

I had the cutest little outfit for L to wear to school today for Valentine's Day. The children were supposed to wear red or pink to school; M did fine (red pants AND red shirt), but P doesn't have any red clothing that fits him, so he wore his favorite Mario shirt that has red sleeves! Good enough!

A gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers in a nice pot. I put them on the new fireplace mantle to be enjoyed by all. I went to the thrift store AGAIN today! Seems like I am there all the time, but they have their prices so low that people buy the furniture so quickly, and in order to get something, one almost has to check back daily. We are looking for a number of things for the house - a recliner chair for A for his office, a floor lamp for the living room, kitchen chairs, etc. Today I happened in at the perfect moment, and found a beautiful antique wardrobe!! Of course, A HATES antiques! Well, I managed to convince him that we need it for the guest bedroom (which means we can get rid of the white monstrosity that is in there now!) and he picked it up in his van and brought it home. Now I am just waiting till our house guest/worker goes home so I can get that room modified!

More snow this morning. Everything is so white and pretty in the sunshine.

We are having a friend from L's lass over in a few minutes for a play date. I just wish that the mom coming too didn't cause me so much anxiety.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

family night

This afternoon/evening is a school arranged "Family Night" of fun - skating, building snowmen, scavenger hunt, hot chocolate by the outdoor fire, etc. A's job was cancelled; I called in "absentee" for my pro-life meeting; M is going to skip out on soccer - and we're all going to GO! (The scrooge side of me wants to not bother, to stay inside where it is farm, and read books together, cuddled on the couch.)

P said to me the other day, "Why are you and Daddy married if you never get along?" Yipes! I laughed and said that sometimes it's hard to get along, but it doesn't mean you don't love the other person. And, I left it at that.

We have a Ukrainian man staying with us (father of a friend from church), doing some work on the renovations in the basement. He will be here a week or so, painting and laying the floor. Maybe putting in the kitchen, although it looks like it won't be delivered till after he goes, so we'll see. I am required to cook a proper lunch and supper for him every day, which A is also enjoying! Usually it is just sandwiches and do-it-yourself fare!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

little popcorn

When M told me the other day that there were only 5 days left in the school year, I corrected him and said that there were 5 months left. He didn't think I was correct, until he checked with his teacher! This morning he admitted that yes, I was correct. I said, "Yep, Mommy's a smart cookie." He exclaimed, "Smart COOKIE??!!" I was sitting with D on my lap, putting on his shoes, and P came right over and started pretending to eat me. Then he thoughtfully said, "If Mommy is a smart cookie, then D is a little popcorn!" It has brought a giggle to me many times throughout the day!

I went out to Zellers this morning with P and D, while M and L were at school. Mailed some parcels and bought some discounted (store closing) items: kitchen rags, garbage bags, greeting cards, gift wrap, and stickers (for P). We were marveling all the way home how beautiful it was outside - the sparkles in the air, the white on white landscape, the sun outlining the frost/snow on each twig on each branch on each tree. Simply gorgeous!

I am pretty sure L needs some girl friends! Yesterday she asked me to play with her, and she had her Strawberry Shortcake dolls and her Fur-Real animals out. When I said okay, I would play with her, she handed me one of the dolls and one of the animals and said, "Yours are the bad guys and mine are the good guys!'' I explained that it was okay for all the dolls to be friends. Anyway, this morning I spoke to another mom at school and arranged to have her (very quiet at school, but outgoing at home) daughter and her over for a visit. Maybe the girls will click. They live close by, so that would be awesome for L.

Friday, January 25, 2013

pass me another sweater

Apparently this is the coldest winter in 17 years, and the winter with the most snow ever on record for our city! Knowing that little tidbit of information gives me hope that maybe next year won't be quite so long or white. Although, like today, it is so often beautiful and sunny that I rarely feel discontented.

L was back at school today, after missing yesterday due to the start of a cold, and visited with Mrs. N. When I picked her up, Mrs. Y came out and told me how proud everyone was of L, who chatted quite freely with Mrs. N and did well during the session. L's pronunciation is so retarded yet, but she is getting quite comfortable with school, the teachers, and her classmates - and is starting to shine. I am very proud of her.

M came home at lunch and was apologizing to me for misspelling one word on his test - of grade THREE words! I told him I was very proud of him, and it only matters that he tries his best. He has had perfect scores until now, and he gets so disappointed when he messes up or "fails". I told him you only fail when you give up. So, don't give up. Try and try again. So easy to tell a child, and so hard to model!

I was thrilled to have a (forced) visit with M yesterday, when she and L just showed up and walked in the door. I hate that! I like to be warned when someone is coming over. Thank goodness my kitchen was mostly clean and the living room had recently been tidied! Although, I know she doesn't much care about any of that anyway. I have seen her house, and it looks about the same as mine! That's how it is when you have kids! Anyway, they walked in, and we sat and visited for over an hour; it was so nice, I suggested we make it a weekly date. It is so hard for me to open up to new friends. If there is a "click", then it can happen quite quickly, but I am also a little gun-shy. Don't want to assume or presume too much. Anyway, it has been a year and a half, and I really like both her and S. A and I have talked about having them over for a BBQ - maybe that should wait till the snow melts a little!! Of course, P was very happy about the unplanned play date with L!

Mailed some parcels out today. Cleaned the house. That's about it. I got tickets for the family (minus D) to go to the local Firefighters Variety Magic Show in early February. That should be super fun. Not sure what A will think about the idea.

D and I have had three bad nights in a row. I fear more ear infection, but the pediatrician was not in today, so it will have to wait till Monday to be checked. A comes home tomorrow morning.

And that's Friday.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

puzzle queen

Getting tired of the snow. So different from last year. We have at least twelve inches packed down in the backyard - which is not really a big deal; our yard is just twelve inches higher than at other times of the year! Today I dug out the inside of a pile of frozen snow, creating a hollow big enough for one of the boys to crawl into and snuggle in! Ha! M came home from school, said "Oh, cool!" and promptly crawled into the "igloo". P came a few minutes later, and said (whined) "That's not what I wanted; I wanted a new toy!" Weather forecast says tomorrow night will bring another 10-15cm of the white stuff, so I best keep the shovels out and ready to go!! At least I don't mind the ice picking and the shoveling. It is a way to get out in the fresh air and pound something or throw something, without actually destroying anything. Great for frustration relief!

Not that I'm frustrated. A left this morning for E again. He should be home Friday night, if he doesn't get snowed out. He still didn't get his windshield wiper fixed, so it is pretty much stupid to be driving winter time prairie in the dark and blowing snow. Well, we'll see how the roads/weather are by then.

L is definitely the puzzle queen. Her teacher was telling me that a lot of the kids in her class can't fit together even simple puzzles, showing that the kids have little or no exposure to puzzling at home. I grew up with puzzles, and we have quite a few in the house. Any that L can get her hands on are completed in record time, and she is doing some now that are beyond her age level and difficult even for P - who is also pretty good at puzzles - to do. We went to the Salvation Army this afternoon to see if they had any puzzles appropriate for her age, but they had nothing. We got instead a soccer ball, a pair of ice skates, a bunch of small toys, and a picture for L's bedroom wall. I really needed a loveseat hide-a-bed for the playroom, a leather recliner for A's office, a small drop-leaf table for wherever, and a large student's desk for M, but couldn't arrange transport, as A is out of town and Dad was heading out to do a house blessing and couldn't bring the truck down to the store. Thank goodness it didn't work out, cause my spontaneity would have definitely resulted in buyer's remorse. I don't really need any of it, but a good deal is SO hard to walk away from!!

Dropped off the pins for Sanctity of Life Sunday at the Right to Life office. Got more ribbons for the pins for our church. Took M to the bank to make a deposit. And got Quiznos for dinner, since it was that time already and I had four hungry kids in the van and nothing in the plan for dinner.

Monday, January 21, 2013


P said to me the other day, "Mom, if you die before me, I will pray for you." I was truly touched, since this had come right out of the blue. Then he said, "I will pray that you are having a good time in heaven, and that you have the Gospel." (!!) Not sure where his ideas come from, but they are sure cute!

The kids were sick yesterday, with a weird thing that lasted in each of them about 12 hours max and then disappeared. No vomiting, no coughing, no congestion - just sleepiness, light-headedness, loss of appetite, and headache. Anyway, M and L managed to go to school this morning, and P is definitely fine to go this afternoon. Thank God for good health, which is so easily taken for granted.

A wants to buy a lot on a lake. Not sure which lake yet. Mom and Dad want to go in half-and-half on the purchase. I am not in favor of the idea at all right now, as we don't have the money for it. But everyone is telling me to just calm down. In a few months, when A has incorporated his business and we start looking at lots, I guess there will be enough time to raise a stink.

I miss my friends. I need someone to hob-nob with on a weekly, if not daily, basis. I have been praying for God to please introduce me to some sweet, kind, Orthodox if it's not too much to ask, friend who, by the way, lives close by so it's easy to get together and hob-nob! Can't wait for M and J to come in March!! I hope little J lets me hold him!

M's Name's Day was on Saturday, and we had planned to go to Regina (him and I) for a movie after church yesterday. With the kids all sick, it didn't work, so I promised him we would go in a couple of weeks, and he and I went to the mall instead and picked him out a dollar-store gift. He very considerately bought something for P and L as well. Then we got a snack at the cafeteria and picked up a (sickeningly sweet) cake from Safeway on the way home. When we got home, he said, "Mom,
I had a good time with you." I need to schedule more one-on-one time with him. He needs it, and I need it!

P has soccer tonight. So glad he loves it.

A leaves tomorrow for a week away in E. Has to finish up a house there. Hope the roads are not too slippery for him; they have been horrible, due to the temperature fluctuating so much.

Friday, January 4, 2013

bad dreams and good days

I had a horrible dream about M last night. So bad that I don't want to think about it, let alone write about it. Suffice it to say that when he woke up this morning, he was smothered in hugs - and the need to hold him close has been with me all day. Not sure what triggered that dream, but I have been worried about M for weeks now, and praying for him lots. I am praying for him to find a good friend who lives close by. Too much to ask? Maybe. So then I will take a good friend who doesn't live close by. (By close by, I mean within walking distance! Handy for play dates!)

So, 2013. My resolutions for this year (although laughed at and scoffed upon and deemed impossible by A) are 1. to abstain from coca cola, and to decrease the amount of sugar in my diet; 2. to cook and bake more, and thus have the family eating more healthily; 3. to spend less money on frivolous things; 4. to be kinder to my husband (!); 5. to laugh more, and loosen up a bit; 6. to spend more quality time with my kids on a daily basis. So far, so okay. I have not had coke in 4 days, and so far I'm alright. If I don't think about it, I don't want it. So as soon as the thought of it flits at me, I push it away. I'm eating a lot of chocolate though! I'll start cutting sugar soon. Yesterday, I baked cornmeal muffins and cooked a meat and vegetable soup. A's been gone this week, so it has been rather easy to be kind to him!

I laughed till I cried twice in the last four days - man, does that feel good! My resident 5-year-old clown (P) was singing at supper the other day to avoid eating his food and when I told him to shush and eat, he loudly said "one, two, three, four, everyone together now . . ." and jumped up and started singing and dancing to the Wiggles "Quack Quack Quack Quack Cocka Doodle Doo" and even though he was technically disobeying, I couldn't keep a straight face. When M saw me trying not to laugh, he jumped up from the table and joined in, and I started giggling. When D stood up in the highchair and started dancing along, the tears were just rolling down my cheeks. After finally restoring order and getting P back in his chair, he poked at his food, made a total Calvin (and Hobbs) face and said "Ewww, yuck", which while really rude and not usually allowed, made me dissolve again. The second time was last night, when my resident 5-year-old sweetheart came up and gave me a hug and told me he loves me. When I told him I love him too, he said he wants to marry me. I told him that I am already married to Daddy, and he said "But what about the frustration?" I told him that everyone gets frustrated, but I suppose that under being kind to my husband should be keeping the frustration in check a little!

M has been in soccer camp this week, and he is really getting skilled. JJ is so great. School started back yesterday, and P is already asking for play dates, which is great. Today he showed up after school with a friend, and as they tore off their coats and boots, I tried to find out what was going on. When I realized that little J's mom didn't even know he had come, I quickly bundled them up again and sent them back to school, then got ready and headed out myself after them to talk to her. J will be able to come next week sometime to play!