Sunday, June 9, 2013

June 9

P got it night before last. Short and not-so-sweet for him. He and M went with A to church today, but L is still not very well - not sure why the recovery is taking a little longer for her, but she has a mild fever, stomach ache and headache, and she isn't eating much. She is drinking, at least, and nibbling a a dry cracker every few hours. And glory to God, D hasn't got it yet at all!

Friday, June 7, 2013

June 7

Dealing with stomach flu at the moment, picked up from school. Fun, fun. M had it 2 nights ago, and L was sick all last night. Now waiting to see who will be next. My stomach was churning all last night, and I am hoping that that is it for me. I guess we'll see. Needless to say, I haven't slept much in the last three nights! At least it is the 24 hour variety, and the nasty part only lasts about 8 hours - then sleep and fluids for the next 8 hours or so. Anyway, no hospitalization required up to this point, thank God!

Mom and a few ladies from church are off to a retreat this weekend, so Mom came over yesterday to go through the music for Vespers and Liturgy with me. I will probably be "the choir"! I told Dad today that I won't be at either service if anyone else gets sick, though.

A's parents are keeping busy. His dad is working on my parents' garage - there is no stopping that man! One has to twist his arm (almost literally) to make him take a lunch break! We probably won't be doing any renovations on our house this year, as the tax bill is still hanging around. The planned list included flooring, painting, playhouse, deck, window latches, etc. But I would like to have some fun with the kiddos this summer, since we had to cancel our planned vacation. When M and B come, we would like to take some day trips to lakes and sights around here, as well as go mini-golfing, water-sliding, and bowling - so that will need a little bit of money. Also, the Wiggles are coming to S in July, and I would love to take the kids to see them this year - but it would mean an overnight stay there and two days away from work for A (more arm twisting needed!) I am not sure how much the show costs, but at this point, the whole thing may be wishful thinking. We'll see.

A and I have been having a rough time lately, although we had a good LONG talk the other night (I had to stay up WAY past my bedtime!) Maybe managed to get a few things worked out. Long term, not sure. So easy to forget and fall back into routine and habit. But for the kids, I was ready to walk out of here on Sunday. So tired of so many things. Desperately need my friend - to listen, to laugh with, to ground me, to encourage me, to be silly.