Monday, December 10, 2012

modern electronics for dummies

If only there was such a book! Maybe there is - but would it save me time to actually read it?? I know nothing about modern electronics! I recently got a smart phone, and it is smarter than me! P told me off while we were driving in the van today. He said, "Mommy, do you know what a DS is?" I said no. He asked me how old I am, and when I told him, he incredulously said, "I'm 5 and I know what it is and you're 33 and you don't know??!" I tried to explain to him that the iPad, iPod, DS (whatever it is), etc, etc are all new "toys" and were not around when I was a little girl. He thought I was making excuses, and said "But you're an ADULT!" Trying not to laugh, I asked him to enlighten me, and he told me it's something like a laptop! OK - I was still clueless. So I asked M when he came home for lunch. He said it is a video game player that you don't have to put games on; they already come on it. And then P said, "Mom, the difference between an iPad and and iPod is that the iPad is sideways." Well, that helps! Seriously, I need that book.

1 comment:

  1. ah ha ha ha!
    so cute.
    kids these days... and the things they know! eek!

    i have a smart phone too. got it in Aug. am still trying to figure out how NOT to hang up on people mid-call :/P
