Monday, December 10, 2012

baby, it's cold outside

Actually, it's not so cold today: about -11 degrees. Gently falling snow. White sky and muted sun. Looks colder out than it is. But it was sure cold the last few days. Makes me want to curl up by the fire and read a good book. I haven't been to the library for so long, I almost forget what a book looks like.

Took D to emergency last night. I could see that both his eyes were infected, and his whole face was red and puffy. He has been so sick for two weeks - just a bad cold, but he sure didn't feel good. He got his immunizations on Wednesday (which the emergency nurses couldn't figure out, cause apparently they aren't supposed to give immunizations if the kid is sick) and has had fever on and off since. Sleepless nights and fussiness. Very runny nose, and then eye infections. Well, turns out that he had two ear infections and two eye infections, poor guy! Thank goodness for antibiotics - even this afternoon he is so much better. He has energy; he is playing; he is definitely starting to feel more like his cheeky self.

Bought Daisy an "indestructible" ball this morning from the pet store. Maybe it will keep her busy so she stops chewing the toys!

Gave Great Grandpa A's harmonica to P this morning. He was thrilled and has been making music all day! It will be good to see Uncle T at Christmas; maybe he can give P some pointers.

Early dismissal this afternoon, so the kids and I are going to make the gingerbread train.

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