Saturday, July 28, 2012


today we went to a few garage sales, although we have taken to going friday instead. most people do so, and we are more likely to find a deal if we go the first day rather than the second...

yesterday I got a beautiful footstool (brand new with tags attached!) for the guest bedroom. it coordinates perfectly with the chairs.  I also found a gorgeous chinese fan; it is huge, so not sure yet where to display it. a bunch of other small things, a couple of life jackets (will need those for the houseboat trip hopefully next summer). etc etc

very annoyed at the moment, waiting for A to get ready to go. we planned this afternoon's excursion to the western development museum weeks ago, as they have a huge Lego display today - should be very cool. well, now A and his dad are trying to build some contraption for beans in the garden, and I have been told to WAIT. (I'm soooo good at that!) the kids will be disappointed if we miss the display, though, and the museum closes in just a couple of hours. ah well.

looking forward to M and B's visit in a few days. they arrived in canada a few weeks ago, but detoured to visit disneyland before coming here. when I was seven, my best friend went to disneyland and I was so jealous. I knew it was something our family wouldn't be doing. I wonder if it still as cool today as then, or if there are other vacation spots just as popular with kids. last year, M was telling me about some great places to visit right here in canada - Dinosaur Provincial Park; The Enchanted Forest; etc.

about 30 degrees today, but doesn't feel too hot. we get a breeze so often in MJ that the weather is rarely unbearably hot.

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